Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Text File
110 lines
00index.txt this file
aaas13 Action Arcade Adventure Set, chapter 13 - sprite animation
aaas5 Action Arcade Adventure Set, chapter 5 - tile-based scrolling
amiindex AMI ftp-place index (Ami bios support etc)
ansisys ANSI.SYS's Escape Sequences
anti-d.txt Anti Debugging Trick by Inbar Raz - release 5
anti-dd.txt Anti-Anti Debugging Trick by Michael Forrest - release 1
apiref Windows API (3.0) DLLs - Function Names and Windows DLL
as-guide Whizzard's Guide to Text Adventure Authorship v1.0
asmtutor IBM pc assembly language tutorial (MASM) by Joshua Auerbach
asmtuttx Gavin's Guide to x86 Assembly 0.9b - ascii text document
asmtutwp Gavin's Guide to x86 Assembly 0.9b - word2/word6 docs
avoid_gw how to detect Game Wizard - by Yonghee Lee (C sample)
bindex ftp.borland.com master file index
c_prec Operator Precedence and Associativity Rules in C/C++
ca-tsa Computer Adventures, The Secret Art by Gil Williamson (book)
cgda CGDA (Computer Game Developers Association) Report - Premier
cis_game discussions from CompuServe GAMERS forum
copro16a Everything you always wanted to know about math coprocessors
cpptour A HyperText C++ Guide by Bryan Flamig (book author)
cptuts22 Coronado Enterprices C++ tutur 2.20 - source
cptutt22 Coronado Enterprices C++ tutor 2.20 - text
crc CRC Error Detection Algorithms Guide by R.Williams - long (C)
creative.ind ftp.creaf.com index (19 July 1994) - Creative Technology
cstyle61 Indian Hill C Style and Coding Standards 6.1
debugtut Dos Debug tutorial
dma_rti How to program the DMA - by Night Stalker
dosref33 Programmer's Technical Reference 3.3 - NOT a tutorial
dpans6ps X3J14 ANS Forth standard draft (PostScript)
fpgawkii Hypertext tutorial on logic design with EPX780 FPGA
fpt1_rti How to use Fixed Point (16.16) math (1/2) tutorial (asm)
fstscrl1 Scroll tiled world (320x200 mode X) - docs and demo (C)
gamfaq.txt The Getting Started Guide to Game Development - version 1.3
gccfaq10 DJGPP DOS Game Programmers FAQ (GNU C Compiler) - 1.0 (C)
gencsrc Coronado Enterprices C tutor 2.00 - source
genctxt Coronado Enterprices C tutor 2.00 - text
gmouse.doc Programmer's Reference to Genius Mouse
gravity Gravity FAQ by Edgar Roman - jump, space kinetics 29 Dec 1994
hdtech01.txt Technicians' Guide to PC Hard Disk Subsystems - chapter 1
hdtech02.txt Technicians' Guide to PC Hard Disk Subsystems - chapter 2
helpinfo Creating Windows Help Files by T.Kahn
helppc21 HelpPC 2.10 - programmer's tech reference, soft/hardware
hexpaper hexpaper.ps - hexagon mapping paper 1.0 by D.Nygren
inter45a MSDOS Interrupt List 45 - part 1
inter45b MSDOS Interrupt List 45 - part 2
inter45c MSDOS Interrupt List 45 - part 3
inter45d MSDOS Interrupt List 45 - part 4
inter45e MSDOS Interrupt List 45 - 3rd party utils
inter45z WinHelp HC phrases file for Interrupt List 45
inthlp10 Interrupt Helper 1.0 - search and display Ralf Brown Int List
intshare IBM's Interrupt-Sharing Protocol by C.Dunford - unhook TSRs
iostutor Tutorial in iostreams by D.Nugent (C++)
iptut001 Tutorial on Critical Error (0x24) Handler (C)
iptut002 Tutorial on Turbo C++ 3.0 Bugs and what to do with them - 1.1
ipx2 How to send IPX packets by Daniel Parnell (pascal)
keyboard.txt Summary: how to detect key press/release (pascal)
maze_faq Maze FAQ (old) - sources, theory
mindex ftp.microsoft.com Microsoft Software Library index
mod2src Coronado Enterprises Modula-2 tutorial - source diskette
mod2txt Coronado Enterprises Modula-2 tutorial - text diskette
ms_arcad Programming Object Orientated Arcade Games in Turbo C (book)
online19 The Online World book 1.9 - lots net info and pointers
pascsrc Coronado Enterprises Pascal tutorial 2.00 - source diskette
pasctxt Coronado Enterprises Pascal tutorial 2.00 - text diskette
ps2_info PostScript level 2 - Questions & Answers (Adobe)
ptr_help Understanding Pointers v0.0 (for beginners) by T.Jensen (C)
qbasgdc1 Game Design Course by Andre van Wyk (Pacman && RPG - QBasic)
rgblist 191 colors by name and RGB values
rlvalue A Brief Tutorial on Pointers, Lvalues and Rvalues by R.Pels
scrl50 Semiconductor Cross Reference Library 5.0 (47000 devices)
svgaline VESA SVGA programming tutorial - Bresenham's line (asm)
tcpintro Introduction to the Internet Networking Protocols (TCP/IP)
textps 3 approaches to real-time texture mapping a'la Doom - PS
texttext 3 approaches to real-time texture mapping a'la Doom - Ascii
textwp60 3 approaches to real-time texture mapping a'la Doom - WP 6.0
theref43 TheRef 4.30 - pc hardware tech reference
tilefaq.12 Tile-Based Games FAQ by Greg Taylor - version 1.2
tut1-9 tutorial to make demo effects with TP6/7 w/pascal source
tut10 VGA trainer in chain-4 (pascal)
tut10new VGA trainer in Chain-4 (C++)
tut11 VGA trainer in cross fading (pascal)
tut12 VGA trainer full-screen scrolling (pascal)
tut13 VGA trainer 3D starfield (pascal)
tut14 glenzing, polygons, fixed point math and asm (pascal)
tut15 VGA trainer in plasma (pascal)
tut16 VGA trainer in bitmap scaling (pascal)
tut17 VGA trainer in Pixel Morph and static effects (pascal)
tut18 VGA trainer in File Packing & 256 color PCX (pascal)
tut19 VGA trainer in Asm tutorial & Fire (asm/pascal)
tut1new VGA trainer in basics (setmode, putpixel) (C++)
tut2new VGA trainer in palette manipulation (C++)
tut3new VGA trainer in Circle and Line algorithms (C++)
tut4new VGA trainer in Virtual Screens (C++)
tut5new VGA trainer in Scrollers (C++)
tut6new VGA trainer in Pregenerated Arrays (C++)
tut7new VGA trainer in Animation (inline asm) (C++)
tut8new VGA trainer in 3D Basics (C++)
tut9new VGA trainer in Polygons (C++)
tutorc Denthor's Asphyxia VGA trainers translated into C - 2,4-16
vbz01 VBZ 01 - Visual Basic programming journal (WinHelp)
vgadoc3 register level (s)vga programming info and card tester
vt100 VT100 Escape Codes
vtxxx VTxxx series control and escape sequences by R.Frank
win2vga Summary: Run in Windows but work in vga mode 13h + demo
winer PC Magazine BASIC Techniques and Utilities (book) (Basic)
x3mdmo01 X3M tutorial #1 - realtime plasma (mode x) (asm/pascal)
xintro18 Introduction to Mode X version 1.8 w/source and pics
zed3d050 2D/3D vector and texture mapped graphics tutorial by S.Loisel
zen10ps Zen and The Art of Internet 1.0 (about 100p PostScript)